However, the results can be visually confusing because color changes can be format changes. The color of Track Changes for formatting is customizable.Therefore, your color choices won’t transfer to someone else’s computer.

Track Changes colors are stored in your computer, not in your document.

If you want to use this editing language as the default language for all new documents, click the Default button. To change the editing language on a Mac, go to Tools -> Language and select the desired language. Click on Page Color in the Page Background section. The procedure for setting the language is slightly different in the macOS version of Microsoft Word. On the other hand, if you’re using Word 2013 or an even newer version of Word, navigate to the Design tab in Word’s toolbar. If you’re using Word 2007 or Word 2010, navigate to the Page Layout tab in Word’s toolbar. Drag over the text with the highlighting you want to remove. In the Current Style area, select Hyperlink, then choose Modify Style. Below is a sample of highlighted text copied from Microsoft Word: To remove highlighting you have copied from Microsoft Word from text in PowerPoint: Select any text on the PowerPoint slide that is not highlighted. Select Hyperlink in the Apply a style area. If your markup only appears in balloons or doesn’t appear at all, please see the bonus section below for the steps to show Track Changes in-line. Open the document you want to change the background color of. At the bottom-left corner in the List box, select All Styles.